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Oct. 18, 2023

Candidate for City of Miami Commissioner District One: Marvin Tapia - Community Leader

Candidate for City of Miami Commissioner District One: Marvin Tapia - Community Leader

In episode 199 of Beyond The Story, Sebastian Rusk interviews Marvin Tapia, a passionate advocate for Miami. They discuss Marvin's journey from simply talking about Miami to getting involved and making a difference in the community. Marvin shares his goal of showcasing Miami in a different light and his evolution from a social media presence to opening an investment company and running for a local office. 

Join Sebastian Rusk to learn more about Marvin Tapia’s journey and his efforts to make a positive impact in his beloved city - Miami.


[00:02:21] Making a Difference in Miami.

[00:05:06] Hispanic Advisory Board.

[00:08:25] Community Engagement for Political Change.

[00:11:14] The Myth of Miami Corruption.

[00:16:04] Non-Partisan Approach to Politics.

[00:21:13] Transparency and Community Input.

[00:26:10] Mitigating Developer Impact on Neighborhoods.

[00:28:02] Local Politician's Vendetta.

[00:33:02] Little Havana's Cultural Significance.

[00:39:28] Activating the Power of Voting.

[00:41:10] Bringing Communities Together.

In this episode, Marvin Tapia expresses his passion for bringing about change and disrupting the existing political system in Miami. He firmly believes that as a large city, Miami needs someone who can approach things differently, with integrity and a deep love for the city. His goal is to eliminate personal agendas and genuinely prioritize the well-being of the city and its residents. 

Sebastian Rusk, together with Marvin, firmly believes that elected officials should come from the community they represent and genuinely want to help the residents. They see politicians as a beacon of hope, someone who can bring about positive change by putting the needs of the community first. They want to make the political system more accessible and understandable for everyone, enabling individuals to actively participate in shaping their communities.

Overall, this episode highlights the importance of caring for the community, working without personal agendas, and prioritizing the needs of the residents, and by doing so, they can bring about positive change and create a more inclusive and responsive political system.


  • “But I really think that, especially with Miami being just a, just a gigantic city. And one of the big ones throughout the entire nation on here, there has to be someone to step in and say, we're going to do this different. We're going to do this, with integrity. We're going to do this with deep passion for the city that we live in. We're going to do this without agendas.” - Sebastian Rusk
  • “That's how you inflict change is that you're, you know, from a civic perspective, you've been able to cultivate, a community of people that believe in what you're doing and understand your message and see


Sebastian Rusk





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